Spectral Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
The paper Spectral Methods for Hyperbolic Problems by Gottlieb and Hesthaven highlights some methods to address the disadvantages of spectral methods when applied to hyperbolic problems. This end-semester project reproduces the results by implementing those techniques, and also tries to explain their working. Although the discussion sticks to Fourier expansions, the techniques apply to general spectral methods.Table of Contents
What are Spectral and Pseudospectral Methods?
Instead of discretising the domain, we express functions in terms of a truncated expansion over a particular basis. The choice of basis leads to advantages. For example, the Fourier basis, are eigenvectors of the differential operator. Other commonly chosen bases are Chebyshev polynmials and Legendre polynomials.
Domain discretisation approximates a function up to first, or at most polynomial. In comparison, the spectral approximation of analytic functions as well as their derivatives converge exponentially.
Since multiplication in the spectral space is more expensive than the transform itself, pseudospectral methods perform multiplication in the original space.
What are Hyperbolic Problems?
Euler equations, shallow water equations, wave equations are some examples of hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations. Unlike parabolic/elliptic PDEs, which have inherent regularity, hyperbolic problems exhibit a finite speed of propogation and wave-like solutions. These solutions tend to develop discontinuities even when the initial condition is smooth. In the context of hyperbolic problems, discontinuities are often called shocks.
This report focuses on two simple, one-dimensional, hyperbolic problems to test the methods on:
Linear Advection Equation | Inviscid Burgers’ Equation | |
PDE | ||
Linear | Quasilinear | |
Regularity | Preserves regularity | Loses regularity |
Both are defined on the domain and assumed to have periodic boundary conditions.
The solution to the linear advection equation is a simple translation of the initial condition in the positive direction. Thus the solution at matches perfectly with the initial condition.
Burgers’ equation, on the other hand, has a complicated solution. One can think of particles at travelling with the speed of toward the positive direction.
The code implementing the techniques and generating the plots is available
at github.com/aadi-bh/spectral4hyp
It uses the Fourier pseudospectral method with RK4 time stepping and dealiasing to solve both these PDES.
Exact solutions are computed using a Lax-Friedrich scheme on a fine mesh.
A Note About Plots
Unless specified, every plot shows the initial condition, computed/processed solution, and exact solution on the left, with the pointwise error on the right.
Aliasing Errors
When sampling a function at only finitely many points, our coefficients are bound to
suffer from aliasing errors.
Both these modes agree at the sample points, so there is no way to distinguish between them.
These aliasing errors and their nonlinear mixing contributes to error.
Gibbs Phenomenon
Suppose is the truncated Fourier expansion of . Then \[ ||u - u_N ||_{L^2[0, 2\pi]} = 2\pi\sum_{{|n|> N}} |\hat u_n|^2 . \] Thus it’s clear that the rate of convergence in is dependent on the decay of the Fourier coefficients.
If and with the first derivatives periodic, then \[ ||u - u_N ||_{L^2[0, 2\pi]} \le C(q)N^{-q}| u^{(q)}|_{L^2[0, 2\pi]} \sim C\frac{q!}{N^q}||u||_{L^2[0,2\pi]} \sim Ce^{-cN}||u||_{L^2[0,2\pi]}. \] Thus the Fourier expansion converges exponentially fast to smooth functions.
If is only piecewise smooth, then
u_N\left(x_0 + \frac{2z}{2N+1}\right) \sim \frac12[u(x_0^+) + u(x_0^-)]) + \frac{1}{\pi}[u(x_0^+) - u(x_0^-)]\textrm{Si}(z)
tells us that there is only linear pointwise convergence at points away from
the discontinuity.
a complete loss of convergence as approaches the discontinuity.
Smooth case
The convergence is exponential!
Continuous case
Polynomial convergence.
No/extremely slow convergence near the discontinuity.
Discontinuous case
Implications of the Gibbs Phenomenon
The lack of regularity/dissipation in hyperbolic problems makes tbe formation of discontinuities inevitable. Such discontinuities are not captured well by spectral/pseudospectral methods. This is a source of concern, and hence these methods have traditionally not been applied to such problems.
“With the situation being even more complex and the details partially unresolved for the discrete expansions, the Gibbs phenomenon and the loss of fast global convergence is often perceived as an argument against the use of spectral expansions for the representation of piecewise smooth functions and, ultimately, against the use of spectral methods for the solution of problems with discontinuous solutions.”
Oscillations are an indication of high-order modes. The Gibbs oscillations can be seen to be the cause of the slow decay of the Fourier coefficients, leading to slow convergence. Filters essentially force better convergence by reducing the amplitude of high-order modes.
A filter of order is a real and even function with the following properties:
- for .
- .
- .
To apply the filter, we simply process the Fourier coefficients as follows: \[ \mathcal P_N u_N(x) = u_N^\sigma(x) = \sum_{n=0}^N \sigma\left(\frac nN\right)\ \hat u_n\ \phi_n(x), \] where are the Fourier basis functions, are the Fourier coefficients, and is the chosen filter.
Some common filters
Every filter is a continuous and smooth function, which is necessary to obtain convergence, as we shall see.
Filtration Results
Suppose that is piece-wise with a single discontinuity at
If is the filtered approximation of the true solution then
we have
|u(x) - \mathcal P_Nu_N(x)| \le C\frac{1}{N^{p-1}d(x, \xi)^{p-1}}K(u) + C\frac{\sqrt{N}}{N^{2p}}||u^{(p)}||_{L^2}
where measures the distance of from .
Thus, we can recover -order convergence if
- is away from the discontinuity .
- The piecewise continuous function is regular enough.
- Order (regularity) of the filter is sufficiently large.
If is piecewise analytic then we can increase with .
We first plot solutions of the linear advection equation at , with the initial condition having a discontinuity at .
No filter: $\sigma \equiv 1$
Solutions without any processing.
The oscillations are still very much present, and the convergence is not enhanced.
Step Cut-off: $\sigma(\eta) = \mathbb 1_{[-0.5, 0.5]}$.
Cesáro filter: $\sigma(\eta) = 1 - \eta$
Eliminates the overshoot and smears out the shock. Being only first order, gains in accuracy over no filtering. We do get uniform convergence but the smearing is so bad that information is lost.
Raised Cosine Filter: $\sigma(\eta) = \frac12\left(1+\cos(\pi \eta)\right)$
This is second order.
Lanczos filter: $\sigma(\eta) = \frac{\sin(\pi \eta)}{\pi \eta}$
Also second order. Lanczos eliminates the oscillations away from the discontinuity, but not the overshoot at the discontinuity.
Exponential filter: $\sigma(\eta) = \exp(-\alpha \eta^{2p})$
This plot shows the filter with order $2p=4$.
We now apply a filter to Burgers’ equation and plot the solution along with the exact at .
Burgers' equation, no filter
Burgers' equation, exponential filter ($2p=4$)
Post Processing
The reader should take note that the techniques discussed are only post processing the solution that is computed with purely spectral or pseudospectral methods.
This makes sense because altering how one solves for the solution is not as straightforward as merely altering the interpretation of the solution.
With the right choice of a filter for the problem at hand, we are able to remove the effects of the Gibbs phenomenon at points away from the discontinuity. The accuracy of filtered approximations decreases as we approach the point of discontinuity, as is apparent in the plots above. Unsurprisingly, the bound on the pointwise error blows up as .
“We assume that we know the first expansion coefficients of a piecewise analytic function and that the function is known to have a discontinuity at . The aim is to recover the value of at any point in the interval .”
Gibbs Complimentary Basis
Filtering essentially treats Gibbs oscillations as noise, reducing them in a nice manner. It turns out that rather than destroying the information present within the Fourier coefficients, if it is redistributed, one actually recovers an exponentially convergent series to a piecewise analytic function. The convergence holds even at points arbitrarily close to the discontinuity.
The trick is finding a new basis with certain properties. Then the truncated global expansion is re-expanded in this new basis. The catch is that this method relies on knowing the location of the discontinuity.
The family is Gibbs complimentary to the family if the following three conditions hold:
- Orthonormality: \[ \left\langle\Phi_k^\lambda, \Phi_l^\lambda\right\rangle_\lambda = \delta_{kl}\quad\forall k,l. \]
- Spectral convergence: The expansion of a function which is analytic in , in the basis converges exponentially fast with : \[ \max_{\xi\in[-1, 1]}\left|g(\xi) - \sum_{k=0}^\lambda\langle g, \Phi_k^\lambda\rangle_\lambda \Phi_k^\lambda(\xi)\right| \le \exp(-q_1\lambda),\quad q_1 > 0. \]
- The Gibbs condition: There exists a number such that if then suchthat for : \[ \left|\left\langle \Phi_l^\lambda(\xi), \Psi_k(x_\xi) \right\rangle_\lambda\right|\ \max_{\xi\in[-1, 1]} |\Phi_l^\lambda(\xi)| \le \left(\frac{\alpha N}{k}\right)^\lambda. \] This means that high modes (large ) of the Fourier basis on the lower modes (small ) in the basis is exponentially small in the interval for proportional to .
Resolving the Gibbs Phenomenon
Let \[\xi(x) = -1 + 2\left(\frac{x-a}{b-a}\right)\] be a map from to .
Let be analytic in . Suppose that
- and
Let be a Gibbs complimentary basis to the family , with . Furthermore, assume \[ \langle f - f_N, \Phi_l^\lambda\rangle_\lambda = \sum_{k=N+1}^\infty (f, \Phi_l^\lambda)\ \langle\Phi_l^\lambda, \Psi_k\rangle_\lambda. \] Then \[ \max_{x\in[a,b]}\left| f(x) - \sum_{l=0}^\lambda\langle f_N, \Phi_l^\lambda\rangle\ \Phi_l^\lambda(\xi(x)) \right| \le \exp(-qN), \quad q > 0. \]
The knowledge of the interval of analyticity of the true solution is enough to construct an exponentially converging approximation to it, from just the knowledge of the original Fourier coefficients.
Gegenbauer Polynomials
Implicit in the earlier statement is the assumption that there not only exists a Gibbs complimentary basis for the Fourier basis, but also an explicit expression for it is available. Thankfully, Gegenbauer polynomials exist and they do the job.
Gegenbauer polynomials for $\lambda=3$
We present the results of the re-expansions with the linear advection equation and the inviscid Burgers’ equation.
Linear advection equation with $N=16, \lambda=3$.
Linear advection equation with $N=64, \lambda=6$.
Burgers' equation with $N=32, \lambda=4$.
Burgers' equation with $N=64, \lambda=6$.
Burgers' equation with $N=64, \lambda=8$.
The question of whether high-order accuracy can be recovered in the case of non-linear equations is still open. The numerical results seem to confirm this fact.
Burgers' equation at $t=1.3$ with $N=16, 64, 128$ and $\lambda=3, 6, 8$ respectively, no filter.
Burgers' equation at $t=1.3$ with $N=16, 64, 128$ and $\lambda=3, 6, 8$ respectively, exponential filter.
Spectral methods have numerous advantages over traditional methods for solving partial differential equations. They are highly accurate and have superior phase properties. The above results show us how spectral methods can be combined with post processing to retain those properties, even when the traditional estimates and results do not apply, such as in the case of hyperbolic problems.
Unanswered Questions
- In practice, how are shock locations computed?
- Conservation and RH condition.
D. Gottlieb, J.S. Hesthaven, Spectral methods for hyperbolic problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 128, Issues 1–2, 2001, Pages 83-131, ISSN 0377-0427,
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00510-0. -
Hesthaven, J., Gottlieb, S., & Gottlieb, D. (2007). Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Problems (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.