


I am a doctoral researcher at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), as part of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions doctoral network called POSEIDON. Under the supervision and guidance of Finn Løvholt and André Brodtkorb I am working on developing and implementing a landslide tsunami model.

Previously, I was an Integrated Ph.D. student at TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics. During the third year, I was working under Prof. Praveen Chandrashekar on shear shallow water equations, a system of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Shear shallow water equations are an extension of the classical shallow water equations. Specifically, we were developing and implementing numerical methods to solve them.

I enjoy mathematics, computers, big skies, and learning something new. Big sky!

Write to me at the address: contact at this website’s domain name.

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