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The Zeroth of March

Keywords: #doomsday #meta

If I referred to a date as “zeroth of March”, I bet it would make perfect sense for some but no sense for others. Dates are just arbitrary numbers assigned to each day. That’s not to say that there is no logic within them. Months are sometimes 30 days long, sometimes 31, and 28 once, except 29 every so often. However, within a particular month, adding one to today’s date is still, thankfully, tomorrow’s date.

A Tiny Discount Calculation

Keywords: #fun

Suppose there are tiered discount rates: say 10%10\% up to 50005000, 15%15\% above 5000.5000. Now suppose I need things that cost bb before any discount is applied. Assuming b<5000b < 5000, I get the 10% discount, having to pay 90%×b90\% \times b. Could I perhaps add some more items to be eligible for the 15% discount and still end up paying less than 90%×b90\% \times b?

4250<90%×b    b>42500.9=4722.2ˉ . 4250 < 90\%\times b \iff b > \frac{4250}{0.9} = 4722.\bar{2}\ .

This inequality means that for initial (undiscounted) amounts of 4722.224722.22 or higher, adding exactly enough to reach 5000 will give me more stuff while costing less than the original.

Lessons from applying for PhD positions

Keywords: #phd
Some advice I would give my past self

Spectral Methods for Hyperbolic Problems

Keywords: #spectral #fourier #pde #computing
As part of an end-semester project, demonstrate filtration and resolving the Gibbs phenomenon by projecting onto a basis of Gegenbauer polynomials.

Lean Into Lean

Keywords: #computing #lean

I had been trying to get into Lean. It’s an interactive theorem prover, and I’ve been curious about it since I first heard about it during a talk by Kevin Buzzard himself.

We were fortunate to have an in-person workshop about Lean recently and I have some notes! Let the lack of organisation and detail be a reflection of how little experience and knowledge I have of Lean. Be sure to keep that in mind while reading.

Making Sense of Division by Zero

Keywords: #meta
What is mathematics?

Free Product of $\mathbb Z_3$ and $\mathbb Z_4$

Keywords: #group theory
I was recently tasked to draw the Cayley diagram of the free product of Z3\Z_3 and Z4\Z_4. It looks quite nice and interesting, so why not put it up here?